Sunday Worship – December 31
In the birth of Jesus we see our salvation.
In the birth of Jesus we see our salvation.
Trinity Lutheran Church Preschool invites you to Panera in Lenexa on Thursday, January 18, for an all-day fundraiser! Present the flyer or use code FUND4U anytime between 8am-8pm and TLCPreschool will receive 20% of sales!
God fulfills His promise.
Because Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, there will NOT be normal worship services on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. We will focus our worship on Christmas Eve services. In lieu of Sunday worship, please join us for Christmas Eve Worship.
Construction at the Shawnee campus will affect parking this week. If the construction fence gate is open, parking is allowed inside the fence. Anytime the gate is closed there should be no access in order to keep everyone safe. The front doors will be available this week for normal use.