Sunday Worship – January 1
The Lord saves through Jesus.
The Lord saves through Jesus.
LWML coffee and tea sale will be held between worship services at the Mission campus on Sunday, January 8. Be sure to stop by the table to select from the wide variety of flavors available.
May you and your family enjoy a blessed celebration of Christ’s birth! We look forward to seeing you in worship again soon as we continue to be a “Community Following Jesus.”
Sunday, January 8, 9:45 – 10:45am | Children’s ministry families, mark your calendar! At both campuses children are invited to wear their jammies to church this morning during the Sunday School hour! It is ok to wear their jammies in church too…we promise!
The Loved and Sent sermon and Bible study series will resume on January 22. Mark your calendar now for the start of the second unit, which focuses on how we are “Sent” by God to share his love with the World.