Plastic Grocery Bags Needed
The Mission Community Food Pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags. You may leave your donations at both the Mission and Shawnee campuses.
The Mission Community Food Pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags. You may leave your donations at both the Mission and Shawnee campuses.
Sundays, 9:45-10:45am
Shawnee Worship Center
Led by the Pastors
Each week the pastors lead a Bible study on a variety of topics in between worship services at the Shawnee campus. Everyone is invited to attend.
Led by Earl Baxter and Steve Bialek
The Shawnee Men’s Group meets weekly for bible study, prayer, support and fellowship. They are currently using Lutheran Hour Ministries studies. They are currently doing a six-session study based on the book “Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table” by Louie Giglio.
Confirmation Students, here is an awesome opportunity to help serve the community and earn some service hours-all while having tons of fun!
Youth Group, join us THIS Sunday, October 3 from 6:30-7:30PM as we see which team will earn the most points in 45 minutes during our photo scavenger hunt