by Gretchen | Dec 26, 2018 | eNews
The Shawnee Men’s Bible Group will begin a new Bible study. The study is based on a book titled “Soul Keeping” by John Ortberg and is a 8-week video series. In this book, John Ortberg helps Christians rediscover their soul–the best connection to God there is–and find out why it’s hurting and why neglecting it has set so many believers so far back spiritually.
by Gretchen | Dec 19, 2018 | eNews, Family Life Ministry
Epiphany, Sunday, January 6, 9:45 – 10:45am
Children’s ministry families, mark your calendar! At both campuses children are invited to wear their jammies to church this morning during the Sunday School hour! We will continue the Christmas story with a special event telling the Epiphany Story–the Journey of the Wise Men–to meet baby Jesus.
by Gretchen | Dec 19, 2018 | eNews, Serve
We will be taking down the Christmas decorations at the Mission campus on Sunday, January 13, after the 11am service. A light lunch will be provided at the end of service around 12:15pm and then we can begin taking everything down. If you have any questions you may contact Julie Mohling at 913-574-8607(cell) or
by Gretchen | Dec 19, 2018 | eNews, Seniors
On Saturday afternoon, January 12, we will be celebrating the seniors of Trinity. We will be gathering in the fellowship hall at the Mission Campus at 3:30pm. This year instead of a dinner we will enjoy a program from the Kansas City Improv Company. They will be performing a special “Whose Line Is It Anyway” show and we will provide refreshments.
by Gretchen | Dec 19, 2018 | Messengers
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