Sunday Worship – July 30
You are treasured by God!
You are treasured by God!
Sat. 23 September, 2023, 5:30 pm
Mission Campus
God Give Us Faith to Sing Always
Hymn Festival with David Cherwien
World-renowned guest organist Dr. David Cherwien and the Trinity Choir will lead us in a hymn festival including hymns, anthems, reflections, and prayer.
Call Committee Chairman Steve Henslee met with the Executive Committee this past Monday, July 24. The Executive Committee reviewed the Congregational Self Evaluation Tool (CSET) with its input captured and the document finalized. The next step is to forward the CSET and your pastor nominations to Kansas District President Panzer, which will occur yet this week.
Confirmation Registration 2023-24
Students entering 6th -8th grade
As we prepare for a new season of confirmation class, we would like to make sure that all of our contact information is correct for each family.
The Great American Giveaway is back!
July 29, 2024, Mission Campus
Parking Lot
Donations: 8-10am
Giveaway: 10-11:30am
Any monetary donations will benefit the Mission Community Food Pantry.