Devotions and Studies for the Heart of Advent

Devotions and Studies for the Heart of Advent

The season of Advent is itself a gift and I encourage you to take the time to receive it. Prepare your hearts for the Christ who is, who was, who will come again—notice him. Somehow, this time of year lends itself well to such seeing, and I hope these devotional tools and study opportunities help you in the journey.

Christmas Decorating—Mission Campus

Christmas Decorating—Mission Campus

Come help us decorate for Christmas! It is that time again to decorate the church for the holidays on Friday, December 6, starting at 5pm (but you can come at any time). We will have dinner and decorate, finishing around 9pm. Any and all are welcome to come help, with many different levels of jobs to be done.

Youth Progressive Dinner and White Elephant Gift Exchange

Youth Progressive Dinner and White Elephant Gift Exchange

On December 8 the annual Youth Group Progressive Dinner and Gift Exchange will happen once again! The high school youth will travel to three different homes for appetizers, main course, and dessert. At the final stop, they will also have a white elephant gift exchange.

Christmas Caroling

Christmas Caroling

On Friday, December 6, members from Trinity will again go Christmas caroling to some assisted living facilities where Trinity members are residents. Last year this was well received by both the carolers and those being caroled to. The range in age of those caroling was from 4 to 90+ years old.

Support Trinity through Amazon Smile

Support Trinity through Amazon Smile

Let Amazon contribute to Trinity Lutheran Church while you shop. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to charitable organizations you select.  Trinity Lutheran Church is now registered!  Go shopping and Trinity benefits. It’s simple, with...