Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

As we prepare to enter into a new church year and the busy holiday season, we will gather to give thanks for God’s blessings. Please join us for worship on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 24, at 7pm at both campuses.

Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers

The altar flowers for November 27-28 at the Mission campus are donated by David and Bill North in loving memory of their mother/wife, Suzanne North; and by Mary Moehlenkamp in loving memory of her husband, Don.

Advent Lessons and Carols

Advent Lessons and Carols

5:30pm, Saturday, December 11
Mission Campus

This service of seasonal music and moving readings from Holy Scripture is a spiritual oasis in the midst of the busy holiday hubbub, offering time for reflection, meditation, and peace.