LWML Coffee and Tea Sale

LWML Coffee and Tea Sale

LWML coffee and tea sale will be held between worship services at the Mission campus on Sunday, August 14. One of the many mission projects being supported by your donation is Thirst to Learn: Bible Books for Africa’s Children.

Confirmation Retreat and Class Registration

Confirmation Retreat and Class Registration

Confirmation Instruction is just around the corner, so please take a moment to register your student. Also, we will be having a Confirmation mini retreat on September 10 from 10am to 7pm at the Mission Campus. This is a great way for students to get to know each other before Instruction starts. Students going into 6th-8th grades are welcome!

Backpack Blessing

Backpack Blessing

August 14, 8:30 and 11am services at both campuses | Students and teachers of all ages are invited to bring their backpacks with them to worship on August 14th. At the end of the children’s message, we will pray for all the people wearing the backpacks this year.

Great American Giveaway Thank You

Great American Giveaway Thank You

A big THANK YOU from the Giveaway Committee to everyone who helped make the Great American Giveaway a huge success! We were able to not only provide much needed items to a lot of our community members, but we also collected over $400 for the Mission Food Pantry!