One Sunrise at a Time

One Sunrise at a Time

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 28 May 2020 Imagine you are the fisherman who is about to use the boat in the above photo. As you plan your day many things must be included. Where to go, weather reports, equipment, fuel supplies, food and water for the day, and some...
A Mother’s Wisdom

A Mother’s Wisdom

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 1 May 2020

When I was a child I was terribly bothered by something that now I cannot even remember. Back then it dominated my daily life. My school work suffered. My friends noticed too. It was such a dark and taboo ‘thing’ that had appeared in my mind, in my life. It would not go away.

Stay the Course!

Stay the Course!

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 8 May 2020

We are many weeks into our experience with the disease named COVID-19 and caused by the novel coronavirus. There is understandably confusion about much of this. Even though we have discovered many new things about the virus it seems many more questions arise.

Together, Apart!

Together, Apart!

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 1 May 2020

The above fishers always return at the crack of dawn. They are filled with hope for a great catch. They are also well over 6 feet apart. They are socially distancing. Yet they are a small group of fishers who, together, gather at this same spot every day. A simple lesson for all of us now, as we must be sure to maintain at least 6 feet distance (or more) from others when in public. And yet we can still be together as they are above.

Fundamentals and Faith

Fundamentals and Faith

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 23 April 2020

Growing up in Indiana I quickly learned basketball was everything. I shot baskets endlessly in rain, snow, and Summer’s heat and humidity. Dreams of being ‘great’ drove me. Improving and being chosen earlier than my buddies in pickup games was a reward. Early on one affable, quiet man had more influence on me than I realized.