Christmas Un-Decorating

Christmas Un-Decorating

Please join us at the Mission campus at noon this Sunday for a slice of pizza (or two) and to help take down the Christmas decorations. All are welcome, including families with children.

Advice & Aid Diapers and Baby Wipes Collection

Advice & Aid Diapers and Baby Wipes Collection

During the last half of January, we are collecting disposable diapers and baby wipes for Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center’s “Connections” program. Advice and Aid assists women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy by caring for them before, during, and after the birth of their children.

Snack Lovers, can you help the MLM Christmas Store?

Snack Lovers, can you help the MLM Christmas Store?

Grab a Christmas tin from the narthex in Mission or use one of your own. Fill the tin with cookies or healthy snacks and leave it under the Christmas tree at either campus. Each of the 1,024 families will receive a tin to make their Christmas a little merrier.

Plastic Bags Needed for Pantry

Plastic Bags Needed for Pantry

The Mission Community Food Pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags. You may leave your donations at both the Mission and Shawnee campuses. We are asking ONLY for plastic grocery bags this time. They work best for our distribution.

Snack Lovers, can you help the MLM Christmas Store?

MLM Christmas Gift Collection

Metro Lutheran Ministry (MLM) Christmas Store needs your help ! The MLM Christmas Store will make Christmas a little merrier for the many needy families. Since the MLM Christmas Store serves close to 1,000 disadvantaged families, the need is great.
Bring your unwrapped gifts to church and place them by the Christmas tree at either campus until December 4.