Exciting Changes to Bookstore

Exciting Changes to Bookstore

The ladies in the library/bookstore and I (Tom Perry) put our heads together to find a way to accomplish two projects. The library ladies noted that there has been little or no activity in checking out books for quite a long time and that perhaps a better use can be...
Bethany Lutheran Is Hiring

Bethany Lutheran Is Hiring

Bethany Lutheran School in Overland Park is currently interviewing for after school care workers. Hours are 3:30-6:00, with flexibility on days worked during the week. Experience with kids ages 3-10 is preferred. Great Christian environment, good pay, and no evening...
Cleaning your Closets?

Cleaning your Closets?

As you are spring/summer cleaning, please consider saving things for the Great American Giveaway, which will be held on August 3. Items that are in greatest need include clothing, toys, household goods such as kitchen items, linens, and...