Missed the LERT Training?

Missed the LERT Training?

Missed the LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) training but still interested? Please contact Pastor Mark or Pastor Phil to be placed on the list for a future training...
Wednesday Women’s Bible Study

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study

The Wednesday Women’s Bible Study will be starting our next topic on October 9. We will be studying “The Power of a Woman’s Words” by Sharon Jaynes. We meet at the Shawnee Campus from 9:30-11:15am each week with childcare available.

LWML Coffee and Tea Sale

LWML Coffee and Tea Sale

The LWML Coffee and Tea Sale will take place on Sunday, October 13, between services at the Mission Campus. Be sure to stop by the table and select from the wide variety of flavors available. Selected varieties are available for purchase in the gift shop between sale dates.