The Way Prepared: Justice, Peace, Love, and Light
Advent Lessons and Carols 2023
Saturday, December 9, 5:30 pm
Mission Campus 

God has prepared the way for Jesus’ birth, for our salvation, and for us today. What does our way look like as “A Community Following Jesus”? At this year’s Advent Lessons & Carols service, we will hear how God calls us to a way of justice, peace, love, and light. Led by the Trinity Choir and guest violinist Joshua Kendle, the evening will include beloved Advent hymns as well as music by J.S. Bach, Lloyd Larsen, Dan Locklair, Paul Manz, and Karen Marrolli. 
This annual service of seasonal music and moving readings from Holy Scripture is a spiritual oasis in the midst of the busy holiday hubbub, offering time for reflection, meditation, and peace. The offering will support Trinity’s ministry of Music and the Arts. A reception will follow the service