Snow Squad Volunteers

Snow Squad Volunteers

Each snow season there are many Shawnee residents who need assistance to get snow cleared from their driveway and/or sidewalk. Snow Squad, a volunteer snow shoveling program through the City of Shawnee, was created to assist those who are physically (due to age or disability) and financially unable to clear snow from their residence.

Job Opening at Lord of Life

Job Opening at Lord of Life

Lord of Life Lutheran church in Leawood, KS, has a job opening for Ministry Program Assistant. This position supports the Senior Pastor and Ministry Program staff in daily administrative and front office tasks.

Baptism Recognition

Baptism Recognition

This Sunday, January 14, we will celebrate with all those who were baptized in 2023. For those families who will be celebrating this milestone, please remember to bring your baptismal candle with you.

Installation of Pastor Luke as Senior Pastor

Installation of Pastor Luke as Senior Pastor

Make your plans to join us in celebrating the installation of the fifth Senior Pastor in Trinity’s history on Sunday January 28. Pastor Luke will be installed at the Mission campus during the 8:30 am worship service and then again at the Shawnee campus during the 11 am worship service.