Calling all parents of Confirmation Students-please read on for schedule reminders and other important information for you on our next unit!
- Sunday, October 24: We are concluding our unit on the Lord’s Prayer with a Prayer Station Night. Students are designing interactive prayer stations for different parts of the Lord’s Prayer.
- Sunday, October 31: No class at Shawnee/Trunk or treat at Mission Campus!
- Wednesday, November 3 (Mission)/Sunday, November 7 (Shawnee): Our Technology unit begins. Parents, please attend class with your student for the duration of this unit. Thank you!
More on the Technology Unit…We are going to spend 3 weeks looking at technology and what it means for us as Christians. For this unit, we are asking at least one parent attend with the student. During the last class, there will be a special confession and covenant time and the whole family is welcome to attend (older and younger brothers and sisters, grandparents, whoever makes sense for your family). We will be asking you to agree to a covenant for how you are all going to use technology as followers of Jesus.
We recognized that these conversations about technology and families might be beneficial for our larger community. If you have friends or family who want to join us for these three weeks of conversation, feel free to invite them! Boundaries around screens and knowing how to approach technology as parents is hard, and we want to support as many families as possible. They don’t need to RSVP ahead of time, just bring them with you! Childcare can be provided upon request!