Saturday, April 1, from 9:00am-11:30am
Mission campus
For Fifth through Eighth Grade Students 
Register by Thursday March 23.

Trinity has had an early communion practice for many years. During this class you and your youth (at least one parent must accompany your child) will have a chance to take an in-depth look at what the Sacrament of Holy Communion means and how it nourishes our faith life.

While some churches wait until a child is confirmed to begin taking communion, we believe that this great gift of our Lord’s body and blood strengthens and encourages our students’ faith lives as they are going through their intense study of the Bible and Catechism during Confirmation.

At the class, your student will not only learn what Lutherans believe about Holy Communion and how Christ comes to us in his body and blood, they will also get to taste the wine and the wafers. The class offers this learning through several different experiences – a pre-class study for parents and youth, explanations and Q & A with leaders, and hands-on, experiential learning. The pre-class study will be emailed prior to the class.

Please let us know if you will be coming to the class by Thursday, March 23 with the RSVP link below.

If you have questions please contact Rhonda Synovec,, or Pastors Mark, Phil, or Luke.