Happy New Year, Youth Group!
As we think about 2021, we are thankful and grateful for the partnership with the youth ministry families and the support of the whole congregation. It was an exciting year and I enjoyed getting to share in all the moments, big and small, with you. Here is my top ten list of 2021:
1. Confirmation Retreat
2. Confirmation Sunday
3. LVR Camp
4. Mini-Golf
5. Photo Scavenger Hunt
6. Christmas Party
7. Pumpkin Slingshot
8. Confirmation Technology Unit
9. Great Youth Group Games
10. Trunk-Or-Treat
I am looking forward to what God has planned for us in 2022- Confirmation Sunday, LVR, High School Mission Trip, and so much more. Be on the lookout for LVR Registration information coming soon!
Walk beside us, O Holy Father,
as we question and welcome,
as we challenge and invite,
as we discover and understand,
as we see, touch, taste, smell, and listen for the Newness awaiting us in 2022.
May we, Your Holy People, walk forward together side by side.
–Written by Sister Mary Ann Barret