Friday August 27, 2pm

Trinity Mission Campus
5601 W. 62 Street, Mission

Acting on the results of the Older Adult survey distributed in June, Trinity is hosting a talk given by Stacie Tripodi of the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging. Over 70% of the responders to the survey wanted the talk and Stacie is happy to oblige. We are opening the talk up to members of the community who are interested in attending. Johnson County has a host of programs available to people who are retired. The range of activities and programs include such items as recreation, meals, and health care. We encourage all who are retired or are nearing retirement, to attend.

The talk will take place in the sanctuary at the Mission campus on Friday, August 27, at 2pm. If you know of others who will be interested, they are welcome too. I would like to get an idea of how many plan to attend so that Stacie will have enough handouts. Let me know at

I hope to see you on August 27th.

Blessings, Tom