Youth Group, mark your Calendars for June 6 through June 11th—we are going to LVR!

Registration for the Lutheran Valley Retreat (LVR) event will open this Monday, March 1. We will be sending out a password that you will need in order to register. Please note, the cost you see on the website will NOT be accurate. Your cost will be $150 due to Trinity who will then pay the camp.

There are some changes this year, which is why we are asking all participants to attend orientation. We will be holding the orientation meeting for Trinity students on Sunday, May 2. If, for some reason, you are unable to attend, email Beth to set up an alternate time.

I am attaching the LVR Information packet for you to check out! This is such a great opportunity to spend time in God’s Word, with friends, and in the beautiful mountains and scenery that God has created.