We are so excited to announce there is a NEW Food Pantry coming to Mission and it will be called the
Mission Community Food Pantry!
Our desire at Trinity was to provide a grocery pantry that could serve the families attending our Grab & Go summer lunch. This NEW pantry has come into being just within the last two weeks.
As we are learning through various sources and organizations, hunger and food insufficiency for children, families, and others is growing daily. It was our prayer that we could provide items that could help a family over the weekend with this need. We began talking with local community members and business leaders. People volunteered immediately and a larger dream to serve the community around us at large was the desire. This desire has now led to the creation of a new pantry and we will begin the process of building this pantry through our summer lunch program.
Already, business contacts and residents are stepping up and donating! We are asking Trinity to be a part of this effort and help as well. Here are some ways you can be a part of this exciting adventure:
- PRAY for the development of the pantry and those who are serving to help bring it to life.
- DONATE – Donate food items or dollars to purchase needed items.
- VOLUNTEER – Volunteer to serve in the pantry whether it be sorting, organizing, serving on Thursdays in giving away items, etc.
- CONTINUE TO VOLUNTEER – as this pantry becomes a reality for the community, we ask that you continue to pray for this endeavor, serve and volunteer to help those in the communities around us.
DONATIONS NEEDED – Immediate Needs
- Canned Good – any canned goods (check expiration dates)
- Dry Goods – rice, beans, etc
- Canned/Packet Meats – tuna, chicken, etc
- Paper Goods – paper towels, napkins, etc
Donations can be left at the MISSION campus for now. Please place them in the bins provided between the front doors at the main entrance.
If you have questions, or desire more information, please contact Rhonda Synovec, rhonda@tlcms.org.