Dear friends,
As you know, I am currently seeking to discern between three calls: one to Our Redeemer, Wichita Falls, one to Trinity, Amarillo, and one to continue here as the Lead Pastor of the Shawnee Campus. Over the past several weeks, I have had the chance to visit both of those new congregations and learn about them. Many of you during this time have also been so kind as to keep this process in your prayers and share your thoughts with me.
As one final step in this process, I would like to invite you to a time of prayer and conversation on Tuesday, September 5th at 6:30pm at the Shawnee campus. I will be asking you what the Lord has laid on your heart over the past several weeks concerning these calls and the future of Trinity. If you are able to make it, please come and join us. If you are not able to attend, feel free to email me any thoughts you wish to share.
Pastor Phil