What amazing and inspiring ways Trinity members are impacting the community!

Trinity’s Missions Committee recently sponsored a reverse giving event. Those attending worship the weekend of April 22 were each given an envelope containing a small amount of cash of varying amounts along with a simple instruction: use the contents to share Jesus’ love with someone else. Participants were also encouraged to share a brief report about their reverse giving experience.
Below are a few of the reports we received. They are shared as an encouragement to each of us to be looking for the opportunities God provides us on an ongoing basis to be a blessing to others. May God continue to bless each of us as we share His love and mercy!


Your Stories

  • Beth Kemper, a teacher from Hocker Grove Junior High, used her money so more students who could not afford it were able to go on the end of the year field trip.
  • Another member of the congregation filled up the gas tank of the Pathway to Hope Center van that brings people with mental illness to the Center for support and skill building.
  • Tin Pantry Times, a food pantry that provides food for anyone who needs it received money.
  • Teachers, from one of our member’s school, received plants to brighten up their classroom.
  • The love of Jesus came to a man who is awaiting a kidney transplant.
  • Elizabeth Jenkins helped fund a program of Vacation Bible Schools in Oregon.
  • Roselea and Howard Nellis contributed to The Starfish Foundation that fills “Dignity Bags” with hygiene items and distributes to students in need in Olathe schools.
  • An encounter with a homeless man who had recently been released from prison enriched the life of one of our parishioners.
  • Teens going on a mission trip to Ethiopia were helped by a parishioner.
  • Mary Shepker is using her money to buy more yarn to knit hats and scarves for the MLM Christmas Store.
  • Kathryn Koca enriched a college student mission trip to Germany.
  • By pooling their money, Joy Humbarger’s Sunday School Class has been able to help a women with many health concerns receive food so she can cook by herself.
  • Even on a fixed income church members can feel they are helping others.
  • Helping a sister-in-law who has breast cancer is certainly a way to spread the love of Jesus.
  • The Tiny Pantry of Overland Park received funds.
  • Rich and Karen Brengelman added to their gift to Shelter KC helping homeless men and women.
  • Gloria Holcroft enjoyed giving her money to a very helpful young woman at the KU Medical Center.
  • Lutheran World Relief’s work with hungry children in Tanzania was enriched.
  • Mark Mourlam shared his gift with a homeless man along the Gulf Shores of Alabama.
  • Tornado relief in Uehling, Nebraska was helped by Donna Lynn.
  • One member touched the life of a man sleeping in his car.
  • Six-year old Sophia wanted to buy treats for people less fortunate so Jennifer and Barb Estes and Sophie made 100 gift bags for the Food Pantry at Trinity.