School will soon be starting and with that comes opportunities to volunteer at Rushton Elementary during the school year. There are a variety of ways you can serve.
MVP Information
The My Volunteer Pal (MVP) program is the volunteer program for all Shawnee Mission Schools. The program connects adult volunteers with students ages Pre-Kindergarten to age 18. Volunteers enjoy flexible schedules. All activities take place on school grounds during school hours with the exception of field trips.
Volunteer Pals are utilized for a variety of in-school activities including:
• Classroom or school volunteering
• Sharing career interests or special talents with students
• Tutoring
• Chaperones for Shawnee Mission School District approved field trips
1. Attend an MVP training session. One will be held at Trinity Lutheran – Mission Campus on Tuesday, September 5, from 5:30-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall downstairs. If you can’t attend at Trinity, you can complete training at either the District office (Center for Academic Achievement) or at any SMSD school. Training sessions will last about an hour. Check the SMSD website for dates, times, and locations.
2. Complete the online background screening process. Volunteers will be given the link for background screening at the conclusion of the training. In most cases, applicants will be approved and ready to serve as a MVP volunteer within 48-72 hours after completion of the online screening. Once screened, volunteers will not need to renew for five years.