Saturday, March 7
Mission Campus

Recently, some much needed work was done in the educational wing at the Mission campus. The major work consisted of projects to prevent water intrusion from causing damage to walls and flooring. In addition, the senior high room, junior high room, and Faith Factory underwent refreshing cosmetic changes, which included new paint schemes and flooring. During the work in these rooms, neglected dusting and cleaning of glass became very apparent. Additionally, the upstairs rooms are suffering from the same degree of neglect. Since we don’t have a second chance to make a good first impression, a work day has been scheduled for Saturday, March 7, in order to take care of these issues. All work will be indoors. The first order of business will be the upstairs windows, ledges, and louvers, as well as vertical windows by the doors. Hopefully we’ll have enough volunteers that we can at least start on the lower floor, and perhaps finish it. Please keep the date open. This is a task that definitely needs our attention. A sign-up sheet will be available outside the office window. Please sign it. This will give us an idea of how many ladders and spray bottles of glass cleaner we need. We are looking forward to a great turnout.


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