In our Gospel lesson, Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Our life with God is found through our relationship with Jesus Christ. As a result, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” May we trust in Jesus for forgiveness, life, and salvation!

©  A-726621 for all hymns. © CCLI 234033.

For the video worship service you are encouraged to download the service bulletin to follow along. There are several methods you may utilize the service bulletin and the video worship simultaneously:

  1. Use two different devices simultaneously: laptop and smartphone, desktop and tablet, smart TV and laptop…you get the idea.
  2. Print the service bulletin and follow along with the hard copy.
  3. Open two browser screens on your computer and view both the video and the service bulletin simultaneously.

If you unable to use any of these methods, don’t worry! You will still be able to follow along and sing the hymns.

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