Tom Perry

Dear Trinity family,

God has blessed me in immeasurable ways. I have a wonderful wife and family whom I love dearly. Part of that extended family is you, the people, and dedicated staff of God’s family at Trinity. I think it unusual that I have spent my whole life as a son from Trinity. From my infant baptism, confirmation, becoming a Deacon, working part-time as part of the staff, to now 70 years later. There are still a few of us that can claim that honor and what a blessing it has been. You, the people of Trinity, have helped Eileen and I raise a family knowing the Grace which comes from God. You have prayed for us in times of crises. You have celebrated with us in times of great joy. You are a gift from God to us that we cannot repay.

I will be retiring from working with the staff at the end of June. We will still, of course, remain members of this part of God’s family. Hopefully, we will be able to take some long-awaited trips, work in the garden, and improve on my golf game so that people are willing to play with me. Thank you for the opportunity to find ways of serving our Risen Lord. We are excited to see what the future holds for us.






*We’ll publicly recognize Tom’s retirement later on this summer. –Pastor Mark

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