June 5 – August 7
Both Campuses

Join us for Trinity at the Movies, our summer movie Bible study experience. All are welcome!

Starting Sunday, June 5th at 9:45am at both campuses! Through clips from two popular movies: Encanto and Toy Story, the pastors and DCEs will explore faith connections based on the films. After each movie session, we will celebrate with dinner while we watch the movies in full! Ages 2-102 welcome. 

Movie Night

Gather at 5:00pm for fellowship and games
Start dinner at 5:30pm
Start movie by 6:00pm



5 Encanto
12 Encanto
19 Encanto
26 Dinner & Movie @ Mission


3 No Sunday School
10 No Sunday School
17 Toy Story
24 Toy Story
31 Toy Story


7 Dinner & Movie @ Shawnee