Trinity has upgraded our telephone system to a cloud hosted service. Our primary phone number remains the same 913-432-5441.
There are many new features that will allow ministry staff to communicate with you more efficiently, and for you to easily reach ministry staff.
- A new auto-attend answer recording system allows you to quickly identify the staff member you are calling. Staff can retrieve voice mails much easier, and from anywhere.
- New direct inward dialing (DID) numbers allow you to call the staff member directly, avoiding the receptionist or auto-attend voice prompts. See the eNews email to add these to your personal phone directory.
- Staff can transition back to handling all church-related calls all on the church business line, and to keep personal calls to their cell number.
- When staff originates a call the caller ID will be specific to Trinity Lutheran Church, even if the call is placed from their mobile device. Many staff members still have cell numbers where the caller ID shows a non-Kansas area code. This will help members avoid ignoring calls from numbers they do not recognize.
As with any new system, there are bound to be a few “bugs.” Please be patient with us as we get up to speed with the new system. Please feel free to relay any telephone problems you encounter to Larry Conrad at 913-563-5265 or shoot me an email at