Noisy Collection January 27

Noisy Collection January 27

The next noisy collection will take place at all services on January 27. Bring your noisy (or not so noisy) change to donate. Proceeds will benefit Metro Lutheran Ministry to help those less fortunate with utility bills.

Facial Scarring and the Baptism of Jesus

Facial Scarring and the Baptism of Jesus

What does the facial scarring practices of western Africa have to do with the baptism of Jesus? And what do both have to do with the new identity that we have as followers of Jesus? Come listen to missionary David Federwitz from Lutheran Bible Translators share insights from the mission field in west Africa that impact our lives here in the States. Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study, 9:45am at the Shawnee campus, January 13.

Listening to You

Listening to You

One of the primary responsibilities of Trinity’s Executive Committee is listening to you, the members of our “Community Following Jesus.” This happens in a variety of ways, both through organized events where input is sought as well as informally in personal...