Trunk or Treat – October 27

Trunk or Treat – October 27

Sunday, October 27, 4:30-6pm, Mission Campus | Enjoy a Drum Safari, Balloon Artist, Mission Firetruck, Cookie Walk, Popcorn Buffet, Games and Goodies! Bring canned goods to fill a trunk for the Rushton Elementary School food pantry. Much help is needed to make this a successful event in our community.

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria

Over the centuries, Lutherans have kept a special day to thank God for the freedom that the word of God grants to believers and to pray that with the help of God’s Spirit, the church will be continually reformed and renewed. You are invited to worship with us on this...
All Saints’ Day

All Saints’ Day

November 2-3 is All Saints’ Day (observed) as we remember that God has made into saints all who have been baptized into Christ. On the festival of All Saints’ Day we honor especially those saints who have died in the faith within the last year.

Saturday Work Day at the Mission Campus

Saturday Work Day at the Mission Campus

Water intrusion in the basement of the church, specifically the Faith Factory room and Senior High room, has been a problem in the past, and continues to be one now. Plans have been formulated, and dates set, to jack hammer a portion of the floors in those two rooms,...