Youth Group Topic: Sexuality

Youth Group Topic: Sexuality

On November 1 our Sunday Night Youth Group will begin a study on sexuality. High schoolers will join the Confirmation students for a fifteen-minute video that goes through a Christian point of view on sexuality. Following the video, Youth Group will have their own...
Zip Line Recap

Zip Line Recap

Last Sunday, seven of our High School Youth Group students and one terrified adult conquered four ziplines in the trees of Bonner Springs. We had a great time and wanted to share the fun with everyone at Trinity through the pictures we captured! We plan to coordinate...
You Feed Them

You Feed Them

We were tired—exhausted really! We just finished a whirlwind preaching and healing trip that Jesus sent us on—two by two. Added to that, Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, had just been executed by King Herod a few day ago. We were all pretty stressed by that event. Frankly, we barely had time to eat.  

It was quite obvious to Jesus that we needed a rest. His words inviting us to rest-up a while was like a refreshing shower on a very hot day. It was just what we all needed. We all climbed into the boat and headed for a desolate place . . . or so we thought.  

Reformation and All Saints

Reformation and All Saints

We will be celebrating church festivals each of the next two weekends. This weekend we will be celebrating the Festival of the Reformation, sometimes known as the “birthday” of the Lutheran Church. The festival marks the beginning of the Reformation...
Altar Flowers – Mission Campus

Altar Flowers – Mission Campus

The altar flowers for the weekend of October 24-25 at the Mission campus are donated by Amy Holsapple in loving memory of her husband, Ron; and by Julie Messbarger and children in loving memory of mom and grandma, Joan...