Bible Milestones

Bible Milestones

September 25th we are going to begin our Second Grade Bible class at the Shawnee Campus. This will happen during the Sunday School hour. One or both parents should attend class with their student for both weeks.

Conversations about Sex and Porn

Conversations about Sex and Porn

Part of what I get to do as the Youth Family Minister at Trinity is share resources and conversations about topics relevant to our community following Jesus. Children are able to intentionally or accidentally access porn more easily now than ever before. Research suggests that most students are first exposed to porn between 8-10 years old. We need to educate students in this harmful addictive behavior.

Confirmation Recap

Confirmation Recap

We had a great first week of Confirmation Instruction! I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that all updates and information will be posted on the website under the Youth tab in the Family Life Ministry section. You can also get to this information from the weekly eNews email by clicking on the Youth tab as well.