50+ Fall Kickoff

50+ Fall Kickoff

The 50+ Bible study group will have their fall kickoff “meet and greet” on Wednesday, September 13 at 10:15am in the fellowship hall at the Mission campus. We are excited that Pastor Ron will be leading the Bible study again this year. The Bible study topic will be the Book of Acts.

Shawnee Campus Late Summer Cleanup

Shawnee Campus Late Summer Cleanup

We have arranged three work days at the Shawnee campus in order to spruce up the campus ahead of the start of pre-school on August 21 and upcoming City inspections. We will be addressing the storm water basins, cleaning up, trimming and weeding landscaping and getting our nature trail ready for use by the preschoolers.

Church Assimilator Role at Trinity

Church Assimilator Role at Trinity

Trinity Lutheran Church is looking for someone to fill a part-time position to develop and implement an effective strategy for integrating members into our Community Following Jesus. Please contact Pastor Luke if you are interested or have any questions.