Lenten Prayer Breakfast

Lenten Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, February 17
Mission Campus
Join us for a Lenten prayer breakfast on the first Saturday in Lent, February 17 from 9-10am in the adult lounge at the Mission campus. Breakfast (featuring biscuits and gravy) and prayer lists will be provided.

Easter Lilies

Easter Lilies

It is time to begin sign up and donate for Easter lilies! Mission campus: sign up with a link or in the foyer. Shawnee campus: A donation bucket will be available in Lent in the foyer.

Lenten Meals

Lenten Meals

At the Shawnee campus, on each of the six Wednesdays in Lent, a meal is provided as a time of fellowship and to make it easier for families with busy schedules. We are lining up the meal schedule and servers now. If you would be interested in helping to prepare and/or serve a meal, please email phil@tlcms.org.