The Gift of Aging Book

The Gift of Aging Book

We are excited to announce that Trinity member Don Zoller has written a book, entitled: The Gift of Aging: Navigating the Challenges of Growing Old. This book is a helpful tool in navigating the aging process from a Christian perspective. A sample copy of the book is available at the Mission campus for perusal. To purchase your own copy you may visit

Band Director Needed

Band Director Needed

Hope Lutheran School in Shawnee, KS (6308 Quivira Road) is looking for a vibrant band candidate to direct our band program for 4th—8th grade students. Interested candidates must be able to work with beginners and advanced band students and envision seeing a band program develop as the students gain experience.

Noisy Collection

Noisy Collection

The next noisy collection will take place on Sunday, June 30, at both campuses. Please bring your loose and “noisy” change and deposit it in the buckets on your way into the sanctuary for worship. The money collected will go to purchase school supplies for Rushton Elementary School.

LVR Recap

LVR Recap

11 Trinity Students participated in the Kansas District High School Summer Camp at Lutheran Valley Retreat!

The week focuses on team building challenges, Bible study, and enjoying the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Trinity participates in this event each year and we encourage all of 8th graders to go because of the significant faith-impacting experience.