If you are already among the many who faithfully clip and turn in Best Choice bar codes from the many products you use, Thank You!
If you use Best Choice products but haven’t been clipping and turning in the bar codes, we would love for you to join us in our effort! Associated Wholesale Grocers gives us $60 for each 1,000 bar codes we turn in. Ruth Hanusch collects the bar codes and uses this money to do community service projects through several agencies which serve those in need by providing toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, socks, etc. These items go into health kits she puts together for the homeless.
You can leave the bar codes you clip off the products in the new collection box on the kiosk in the Mission campus foyer.
Your participation would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Ruth at 913-262-8967.
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