July 3 Shawnee Construction Update

July 3 Shawnee Construction Update

Construction related changes coming soon at the Shawnee campus! Work continues inside on sheetrock in the new space and storage changes on the lower level. Upcoming weeks will include the start of painting the exterior and in the sanctuary. However, the main focus will be work along Midland drive starting Monday, July 8th.

April 18 Construction Update

April 18 Construction Update

Work continues at the Shawnee campus. Windows are being manufactured and the final work to seal up the roof is in process. The new entrance to the sanctuary is being framed inside so that area can be sealed off when the current exterior wall is opened up. Additional steel beams will be added to the original exterior wall soon.

April 4 Construction Update

April 4 Construction Update

The new space is almost closed in! Roofing, electrical and insulation work continues this week weather permitting. Work along Midland Drive will be starting around the first week of May. This part of the project will include adding trees, curbs, and a sidewalk to the north side of the road.

Building Consecration and Blessing

Building Consecration and Blessing

Construction is happening rapidly on the Shawnee Campus expansion. This Sunday, after both services, come and write a prayer, a blessing, or a word of Scripture inside the walls of the new building. These words of blessing will be sealed inside the building for years to come, in the hopes that all who enter that space will be blessed.

March 14 Construction Update

March 14 Construction Update

Steel framing continues this week. After the framing is complete crews will begin attaching the exterior sheathing and roofing. With continued good weather the space will soon be closed in. Entrance to the building from the upper parking lot will be changing soon. When the new area is closed in, access to the building will be moved over to the new entrance. Please be sure to check with the construction crew before entering the construction area during their work hours.