That’s a Wrap: A Look at the Preschool Year

That’s a Wrap: A Look at the Preschool Year

Trinity Lutheran Church Preschool wrapped up another school year on May 21st. During the 2023-2024 school year, the preschool served 77 families and graduated 46 Pre-K students. With a staff of eight – director, assistant, aide and five classroom teachers – the preschool worked to fulfill its mission of rooting children in Jesus’ love and helping them grow through His grace.

Thank You for Souper Bowl Donations

Thank You for Souper Bowl Donations

The Mission Community Food Pantry would like to say “Thank You” to all who donated to Trinity’s “Souper Bowl of Caring” event.

We would also like to thank the Trinity Preschool for their amazing donation gathered during Lutheran Schools week. They collected 163 items!

Preschool Panera Fundraiser

Preschool Panera Fundraiser

Trinity Lutheran Church Preschool invites you to Panera in Lenexa on Thursday, January 18, for an all-day fundraiser! Present the flyer or use code FUND4U anytime between 8am-8pm and TLCPreschool will receive 20% of sales!

Preschool Chipotle Fundraiser Thank You

Preschool Chipotle Fundraiser Thank You

Thank you to everyone who helped the preschool earn $638 at Chipotle! This is our most successful restaurant fundraiser to date. These fundraisers bless the children of TLC Preshool with materials, equipment and special events that normally could not be provided.