

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 2 July 2020

Happy Fourth of July Greetings! Hopefully you are well and looking forward to celebrating the birth of our great nation with family and friends.

Freedom is the enduring watchword of our nation and especially July Fourth celebrations. Yet during these trying and unrelenting times of challenge it may not be foremost on our minds.

Portals of Prayer

Portals of Prayer

The July – September issue of Portals of Prayer is now available for pick up at each campus. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact Tom Perry and he would be glad to do so,,...
Go Forth!

Go Forth!

By Don Zoller
Writing is hard work! It takes discipline to make the time to write. It takes focus to stay on track and keep your purpose for writing before you. It takes persistence to stay with it until it’s done. Finally, it takes prayer to write God’s story about your life. If after you have read these weekly articles From the Author’s Corner you made the decision to begin this journey to tell your story—God’s story about your life, I applaud you!

You Did It!

You Did It!

By Don Zoller
Yes, you did it! You can write! Because God has helped you, you have succeeded. This is your “Hallelujah Moment.”  But now, what are your going to do with it? You have choices. It depends on how you want to communicate your story. Here are three possible ways to consider. Of course, you may think of others.

Simple Lessons Learned (from COVID-19)

Simple Lessons Learned (from COVID-19)

View of Kansas City, MO from the World War I Memorial Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 11 June 2020 Changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic over the past four to five months are unprecedented. We are all living in a watershed period in time. We have had to learn a new...
When It’s All Done . . . Almost!

When It’s All Done . . . Almost!

By Don Zoller There it is! Your completed faith-story. The story of your journey with God and how He etched His faithfulness into each venue of your life. Now it is ready to be a blessing to your children, grandchildren, and loved ones. Great! But not quite! Many...