50+ Chili Lunch

50+ Chili Lunch

February 19, 11:30am Mission Campus Fellowship Hall 50+ will be having a Chili Lunch on Wednesday, February 19, at approximately 11:30am following their normal Bible study at 10:15am at the Mission campus. Bible Study will be in the sanctuary with the lunch following...
Christmas Caroling

Christmas Caroling

On Friday, December 6, members from Trinity will again go Christmas caroling to some assisted living facilities where Trinity members are residents. Last year this was well received by both the carolers and those being caroled to. The range in age of those caroling was from 4 to 90+ years old.

Shawnee Seniors Christmas Brunch

Shawnee Seniors Christmas Brunch

Saturday, December 14, 10am – noon | Shawnee Campus | All Shawnee Seniors are invited to a delicious brunch catered by Nick and Jake’s Restaurant, our neighbor to the west.  This will be an opportunity to meet and to renew acquaintances with fellow members.

50+ Christmas Party

50+ Christmas Party

Enjoy a catered turkey dinner with all the fixings! Entertainment will follow dinner. Bible study will precede the lunch at 10:15 am in the sanctuary. The lunch is FREE. If you so choose, an optional freewill offering will be collected at the event. Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 27

Hymns and Stories

Hymns and Stories

Often, when we recall our most spiritually moving experiences or worship services, it brings to mind favorite hymns that can enhance and make even more powerful the message.  We would like you to share some of your stories with us as Trinity’s organist Dr. Lara West leads us in a hymn sing and storytelling.