Senior Speaker Series: How We Worship

Senior Speaker Series: How We Worship

On Friday, February 1, Ben Spalding will give us a talk about our worship services. He will explain why we have the format we do, some of the history of it, and what goes into planning and offering our worship services. We will meet in the Mission sanctuary at 2pm. If you have experienced Ben’s talks to our group before, you realize what a good and well-prepared speaker he is. Come and learn why we worship in the manner we do.

Older Adult Ministry – Take a Survey!

Older Adult Ministry – Take a Survey!

Trinity is trying to increase its role in the life of our seniors. One way to find out what is important to you is to ask.  We have put together a survey to aid us in determining what is of most interest and importance to you.  Our prayer is that the completed surveys will help us identify ways of enhancing your life as God’s child. 

50+ Valentine Chili Lunch

50+ Valentine Chili Lunch

Wednesday, February 13, 11:30pm, Mission Campus50+ will be having a Valentine Chili Lunch on Wednesday, February 13, at approximately 11:30am following their normal Bible study at 10:15am at the Mission campus. Bible Study will be in the sanctuary with the lunch...
Senior Ministry Thank You Event

Senior Ministry Thank You Event

On Saturday afternoon, January 12, we will be celebrating the seniors of Trinity. We will be gathering in the fellowship hall at the Mission Campus at 3:30pm. This year instead of a dinner we will enjoy a program from the Kansas City Improv Company. They will be performing a special “Whose Line Is It Anyway” show and we will provide refreshments.

50+ Christmas Party

50+ Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 12, 11:30am
Mission Campus Fellowship Hall
Enjoy a catered turkey dinner with all the fixings! Entertainment will follow dinner. The featured entertainment is a Christmas carol sing led by Ken Ehle and accompanied by Ben Spalding. You…