Trip to the Holy Land

Trip to the Holy Land

Register Now! Brochure There will be an informational meeting on September 6 at 7pm in the Mission campus Lounge for anyone who is interested in finding out more about the trip. Informational Meeting September 6 June 9-20, 2017 Spend time in the birthplace of Jesus,...
LCMS Convention

LCMS Convention

Ask Tom a Question In July the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod met in convention.  This happens every three years and is how our national church body governs.  Tom Perry was elected to be a voting delegate from our circuit.  Many resolutions were debated and voted upon...
August Senior Café

August Senior Café

Friday, August 19, 2016 | Mission Campus Foyer | 2-3:30pm On August 19 we will host a review of the past senior ministry program. It will be in a café setting like we experienced earlier in the year with Pastor Phil. I will be asking what you liked, what you think...