Dear Parents,

Needs vs. Wants – a concept we often teach to children, especially when they are asking for something we don’t think they really need.  

Here is a great way to share this concept with kiddos – put simply, a need is something you must have to survive; like food, water, and a home. A want is something that’s nice to have, but you can actually live without; like an ice cream or a new skateboard. 

What do you need to survive? In these days of challenges, COVID, choosing school options, and the myriad of other things which come at us daily, do you have everything you need to survive? 

We often post on social media things we think will get us through – there are inspirational posts to help others through, things that are funny to help lighten the load, advice from experts, or posting from experiences you have gone through. We have family, spouses, friends, colleagues, and ministry friends to lean on as well, BUT do any of these things really give you everything you need to survive? 

They will sometimes help in the short term, but the needs will come back the same way, or in a different form, along the way. So where to do we turn to be provided with everything we need? JESUS – The Bread of Life. 

This week’s Gospel lesson is focused on the Feeding of the 5000. It’s a story we all know well. You know, the one where 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish fed all the people who had come to see Jesus and there were even 12 baskets of leftovers. I believe sometimes we tend to gloss over the stories we know and forget to look at the deeper meaning.  

This is an AMAZING miracle, but this story is so much more! Jesus teaches several things through this miracle. He shows his disciples what it means to rely on Him and at the same time serve others. They thought it was best to just send the people away. There was no way they were going to be able to afford to help all these people!  

How often have we had the same thoughts? There is no way we can help all the people who need our help, they should learn to help themselves, there is not enough time, energy, money, etcetc, etc. Jesus taught the disciples that when they turn to Him, when they rely on Him, God will provide a way. That is such an important lesson for me, for you, and for your families. Reliance on God can overcome obstacles we place in our way when we choose to serve others. Our efforts don’t need to be gigantic to have a positive impact in the lives of others. We can trust God will give us what we need to be of service to others, to show them love and compassion, and to show them the hands and feet of Jesus at work around them. 

Also, Jesus teaches us that HE, and only HE, provides everything we need to survive. Notice the word NEED – not want. We only need to turn to Him, rely on Him, trust in Him, and wait on His timing. It is not easy – we want to fix things, we want to be in control, we want to provide for ourselves and our family. Jesus is teaching us He is the Bread of Life – He gives us LIFE more abundantly than we could every imagine. He provides more than enough for us and in return we share that abundance with others. 

We continue to pray for you daily and are always available to talk and support you in any way we are able. We are here to encourage, equip, and guide you as you are the “Light of Christ” for your children, family, friends, and neighbors. We provide some ideas/tips/resources to help you lead by faith with your family through the weekly email, on the private Children’s Ministry Facebook page and on Trinity’s Facebook page and website. Please feel free to contact me any time if I can serve you or your family in any way.
913-620-5788 cell       


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