One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:38-39. It reads: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers}. neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

During Advent, we were blessed by being able to hear a sermon series that used some beautiful artistry featuring hands as a backdrop on the screen in our church. Having had that experience, now, when I read this portion of scripture, I find myself incorporating the hand of God into my thoughts.

God’s hand has a grip on us, and on our lives. We are His children, His creation, and nothing in all creation can cause Him to let go of us because of His love for us that is in Christ Jesus. His is a mighty and powerful hand, a hand that will not grow tired or weak with time. For this reason, it is important to envision our hand in His, rather than His hand in ours.

Being the kind of year that 2020 has been, I often also reflect on Pastor Mark’s repeated statement: “God’s got this!” As I am writing, I am thinking of a dear friend of mine who is doing everything within her power to maintain her grip on this earthly life. Things are looking rather bleak at the moment, but when we talk, she also always makes the comment: “I know God’s got this.” Thankfully, she lives with that assurance.

Does this make what she is experiencing easy for her, or for those who love and care about her? Certainly not! Does knowing she is in God’s hands give us comfort and peace? Absolutely!

Thanks be to God, for He is good!

Submitted by Roselea Nellis

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