Great American Giveaway Thank You

Thank you from the Great American Giveaway Committee to everyone for their support with this year’s event. We appreciate everyone who helped with the sale and/or volunteer lunch and also those that donated items and prayed for us. Once again, we had a great turn-out and were able to help a lot of families in our community (see thank you note below). Start saving your items for next year!

A Thank You from a Shopper

Hello! My baby girl and I came to y’alls free garage sale today! I wanted to just send an email your way telling you how grateful we are for the things we got! We got only the things we could use or needed and we’re very blessed! Y’alls church met our needs of bedding for two of my girls. I’m very grateful for that. My older girls and son are at their aunt’s for the weekend and I’m excited for my girls to see their new bedding and see their new stuff which is all super nice stuff and super nice of y’all to give it to us. I haven’t had the money to really buy them nice stuff for their rooms. I had no child care or anything I had to to quit my job or not get my kids. Luckily, God’s a merciful God and watches over my family because my husband and I were able to work things out and become a family again. So we are blessed he has a job that supports us, but with only one working, the kids don’t get extra cool stuff. So that’s why I wanted to tell y’all that what y’all did meant so much to me. I wanted y’all to know the things y’all do have such a bigger positive effect on people then I think y’all even know! Once again thank y’all for blessing my kids with the new bedding and things they really needed. Y’all have a blessed day!

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