Our January Congregational Assembly will be held January 27 at 1pm at the Shawnee campus. As we seek to be “A Community Following Jesus,” this is where we work through some of the nuts and bolts of our shared life together as a congregation. A number of important items are on the agenda for this meeting. Just prior to the meeting, from 12-1pm, the youth will be serving a Pasta Bar Lunch, as they fund-raise for their trip to Lutheran Valley Retreat this summer, so come hungry and prepared to support our youth.

Then, as we start our meeting, the first order of business will be officially introducing Beth Stephens, our new Youth Family Minister. Beth has been serving on our staff since last fall, but this is our first chance to officially welcome her at a Congregational Assembly. And while Beth has been doing a great job of meeting students and their families one-on-one and in-home visits, there are still many members she has not had a chance to meet. So come on out, welcome Beth in, and take the chance to meet her, if you have not yet. We will take time to review the minutes of our last meeting, as well as reviewing our congregational finances, as we are half-way through our fiscal year. We will also be working through a few synodical nominations. Just as we strive to be “A Community Following Jesus” at Trinity, so also Trinity seeks to walk together with other congregations in the LCMS. As part of that joint life, there are several steps we need to address at this congregational assembly. So come be a part, as we participate in the greater life of the universal church. Then, we will begin to look towards the future. We will take a brief look at the next step in the process of intentional disciple formation: what it means for us to learn to ask ourselves, “What is God saying to me?” and “How will I respond?” Then, we will hear a few ministry updates on what has happened in the last six months and where God is leading us forward. God has been very good to us, and there are some great things in store for us as a congregation! Please come and be a part of our congregational assembly, as we celebrate what God has been doing among us!

Childcare will be available.

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