Progress is happening in the call processes!

Both of the Call Committees for Lead Pastors have met this week to review the nominations received from the congregation. Of the nominations, there are now two nominations for Lead Pastor at the Mission Campus, three nominations for Lead Pastor at the Shawnee Campus, and six joint nominations for consideration for both positions. Since we are in the unique position of working through two call processes at once, the call committees will be consulting with each other throughout the selection process to make the selection process more efficient with the joint candidates.
These nominations, along with the Congregational Self Evaluation Tool (CSET) and the results of the Pastoral Characteristics Survey from last summer with input from the two new call committees, have now been submitted to President Panzer at the Kansas District. President Panzer will be reviewing the list of candidates to verify their eligibility and will be adding other candidates recommended by the district.
In the meantime, the Call Committees will continue contemplating how to organize that information to allow us to select the candidates who will go further in our selection process. We will also consider our interview strategy and questions.
As always, should you have questions or input for the Committees, please contact any of the committee members. Please continue praying for our call process and President Panzer, that we may receive our list of candidates as expeditiously as possible and that we quickly recognize the person God has chosen to lead us.
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