For the Love of Yarn

For the Love of Yarn

April 21, 9-11am Mission Campus  Heritage Room It was determined at the Knitting Crocheting Fellowship Event that there was interest in meeting regularly. The group decided we will meet on the third Saturday of each month. If you are interested in joining us, bring a...
Reverse Giving

Reverse Giving

“Go therefore and make disciples . . .” –Matthew 28:19a The Missions Committee is sponsoring a Reverse Giving event on the weekend of April 21 and 22.  Envelopes with small amounts of cash will be distributed to everyone in attendance at each worship service at...
Quilters Request Supplies

Quilters Request Supplies

If you are in the mood for spring cleaning and want to clean out those closets, please keep the quilters group in mind. The quilters are always in need of fabric. This can be sheets, blankets, cotton fabrics, and whatever else might make good use for pieced quilt...
Shawnee Campus Vision Sharing – NEW DATES

Shawnee Campus Vision Sharing – NEW DATES

At the beginning of last summer, the Executive Committee appointed a team of committed members and leaders to pray, think, and further develop a vision for the Shawnee campus. Members of the team are: Rex Garrelts, Erin Hoestje, Al von der Linden, Mike Maxwell, Wayne...
Shirley Hanusch Estate Sale

Shirley Hanusch Estate Sale

Longtime member Shirley Hanusch passed away in January of 2016. A group of LWML ladies will be assisting the family by conducting an estate sale at Shirley Hanusch’s house, 6310 Outlook in Milhaven, the first weekend of May during Mission’s citywide sale....