Lenten Theme and Worship Schedule

Lenten Theme and Worship Schedule

In the middle of this frightening world, we find a tender invitation from the Lord: “Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and He relents over disaster” (Joel 2:13). During this season of Lent, we will consider the theme “Return to the Lord” and examine how the call to return played out in practical ways for the people who walked alongside Christ as He demonstrated and carried out God’s grace and mercy on our behalf, taking God’s wrath upon Himself, setting the stage for God to “turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind Him” (Joel 2:14).

New Member Class Starting Soon!

New Member Class Starting Soon!

If you have been visiting Trinity for a while, and are interested in finding out more about what it means to be join with us as “A Community Following Jesus,” a new member class is starting soon. Class will be held at the Shawnee campus on Tuesdays, February 13, 20, 27 and March 5 from 7:00-8:15 pm.