Call Committee for Lead Pastor at Mission Campus

Call Committee for Lead Pastor at Mission Campus

One of the biggest takeaways from the listening sessions that took place in March was a desire to change the structure of leadership at Trinity, with the idea of the three pastors’ roles being reorganized. The Executive Committee President Patti Hare, has appointed a call committee to fill the role of Lead Pastor at the Mission campus. Please keep the call committee in your prayers as they begin their work in calling the next lead pastor at Mission. We look forward to this next step in ministry as we work together as a “Community Following Jesus.”

Attendance Tracking Update – New Digital Pew Card!

Attendance Tracking Update – New Digital Pew Card!

New for May! Trinity is introducing a new way to take attendance! Starting in May you can now register your worship attendance with your phone. This new Digital Pew Card will also give you other things at your fingertips such as prayer requests, electronic giving, and announcements. Look for this coming soon!

Health Update from Pastor Mark

Health Update from Pastor Mark

Thank you for your ongoing prayers as I undergo treatment for prostate cancer. Most recently, Nancy and I give thanks and praise to God for excellent test results! I am feeling well and am adjusting to “retirement life.” I am excited as I am exploring some new ways to serve God and others in this “next chapter” of my life. Please continue to pray. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!